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Fluoridation in Australia has no negative effects: peak heal

SYDNEY, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- Australia's peak health advisory has rejected claims fluoride in drinking water has negative health effects.

Australia has been drinking water laced with added fluoride since the 1960s; however, there has been continued public debate in some quarters surrounding its potential side affects.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on Wednesday released a draft information paper supported by 60 years and some 3,000 studies of medical research supporting fluoridation as a safe and effective measure to prevent tooth decay at levels used in Australia.

"By preventing tooth decay and all of its associated pain and suffering, community water fluoridation saves money both for individuals, including dental treatments, and time off work or school, and the healthcare system," University of Sydney chief dental officer, Professor Clive Wright told journalists in an online briefing prior to the report's launch.

The report also shows there are no associated negative health effects under the levels used in Australia, debunking the link between fluoridation and cancer, including two forms of bone cancer.

"The only important effect in Australia of excess fluoride occurs during tooth formation," Wright said.

The NHMRC has released the report as access to incorrect information people have obtained via the Internet or social media that undermines community faith and trust in health initiatives like water fluoridation.

"It's important from time to time to review the real evidence, to ensure that there's high quality evidence for or against any public health measure like this, and to address directly the sorts of concerns that people have as a result of something they might have heard or read," NHMRC chief executive Professor Anne Kelso told the briefing.

"People are exposed to a lot of information that can confuse and concern, and it is an obligation that we continue to address those questions based on the latest evidence."


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