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25 pct of Bolivians smoke, suffer serious health threat: report

LA PAZ, May 31 (Xinhua) -- A new report released Tuesday by the Ministry of Health shows that 25 percent of Bolivia's population smoke and that at least 12 people die a day from tobacco-related diseases.

May 31 was declared to be World No Tobacco Day to raise awareness about the toxic effects of the drug.

In a press conference here, Willy Analoca, director of anti-tobacco campaigns at the ministry, said cigarettes had become a time bomb in Bolivia.

"Each day, 12 people die from diseases related to the consumption of tobacco or from being exposed to smoke. This is very worrying," he said, adding that this figure included deaths from respiratory problems, asthma and cancer.

The executive director of the Inter-American Heart Foundation, Beatriz Marcet, told Xinhua that young people were particularly at risk and were being targeted by tobacco companies.

"This is a very worrying situation since in Bolivia the average age at which people start smoking is 13, according to a Ministry of Health study in 2015. "We must double our efforts to face this global threat," explained Marcet, adding that women now smoke more than men.

German Villavicencio, director of Bolivia's Thorax Institute, added that prevention is crucial, as well as programs that allow smokers and their relatives to see a doctor for free.

"The objective is to draw attention to the fact tobacco consumption is a key problem," he said.

Bolivia has a national plan against drugs, which seeks to tackle the prevention of drug consumption, including tobacco and alcohol, and the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.


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