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Brunei launches "Read the Label" campaign to promote healthi

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Brunei government launched the so-called "Read the Label" campaign on Tuesday to promote the act of reading food labels towards choosing healthier foods.

Brunei's Ministry of Health and Ghanim International Corporation, a state-owned enterprise of Brunei signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly promote healthy lifestyle in the country through campaigns and programs aiming at raising awareness on healthy lifestyle eating habits and lifestyle practices.

Both parties said that consumers in Brunei should be more attentive of the nutritional information at the back of their purchased food. They also vowed to be aligned in the aspirations to shift the public's health education and overall well-being from just a hand-to-mouth experience, but one that is also educational, practical and beneficial in terms of food consumption.

"Many countries around the world and the World Health Organization (WHO) have initiated the program to encourage reduction of salt, sugar and fat as preventative measure to reduce non-communicable disease such as hypertension, blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes," Ghanim's CEO Nur Rahman told Xinhua on the sideline of the MoU signing ceremony.

According to its official website, Ghanim develops, markets and promotes halal food products under the bruneihalalfoods brand with production bases and reliable suppliers across the world.


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