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UC Berkeley listed top public university worldwide

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- The University of California, Berkeley, has been placed again at the very top of the list of public universities worldwide in a new Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

The school in northern California on the U.S. west coast was placed third overall in the 2016 ARWU, after Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts on the U.S. east coast, and Stanford University, also in northern California. Both Harvard and Stanford are private schools.

The new ARWU rankings, released on Monday by China's ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, emphasize the quality of faculty and research.

UC Berkeley, up one slot from its 2015 ranking among more than 1,200 public and private universities worldwide, led a list of four University of California campuses among the top 25 in the rankings. UCLA ranked 12th, UC San Diego ranked 14th and UCSF ranked 21st.

UC Berkeley has ranked among the top four institutions every year since 2003, the year the ARWU rankings debuted.

In 2015, UC Berkeley placed first in the broad subject field of natural sciences and mathematics, and in the top five in the areas of engineering/technology and computer sciences and social sciences.

And among specific subjects ranked, UC Berkeley took first in physics and chemistry, and placed in the top five in mathematics, computer science and economics/business.

This year, it earned third place in the world for chemical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, environmental science and engineering and materials science and engineering; sixth place for civil engineering; seventh place for mechanical engineering; and 17th for energy science and engineering.


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