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Want to lose weight? Eat your food on a red plate

BEIJING, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Losing weight might be easier than you thought. Eating less might be just as simple as changing the color of your plates. Yes, that simple.

Red plates might be better choice for those on a diet, because the color could trigger a danger or avoidance signal, which reduces the amount of food you eat, Business Insider recently reported.

Professor Charles Spence from Oxford University said people end up eating a little bit less of snack foods on a red plate due to the color. What people serve food on turns out to have more impact on our taste and flavor perception than we realize, he said.

He also noted that dessert served on a white plate was considered sweeter and more flavorful than a black one.

Spence, also the author of "Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating", hopes that such findings will encourage food manufactures to add less sugar to their products while ensuring the same taste experience with the color of packaging.


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