Hong Kong's influenza activity continues to drop in past month: health department
HONG KONG, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- The local seasonal influenza (SI) activity in Hong Kong continued to drop in the past month, the Health Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government reported Wednesday.
According to the Center for Health Protection (CHP) of the Health Department, the positive percentage of SI viruses among respiratory specimens received by the CHP peaked at 40.86 percent in the week of July 9, but dropped to 25.36 percent in the week of July 30, and further to 17.96 percent in the week of Aug. 6.
In the same period, the number of institutional outbreaks of influenza-like illness decreased from 15 (affecting 73 persons) to 12 (68 persons). As of Tuesday, five outbreaks, affecting 18 persons, had been recorded this week.
Regarding severe influenza cases, in adults, 534 cases of influenza-associated admission to the Intensive Care Unit or death, including 387 deaths, were recorded from May 5 to Tuesday (Aug. 15) in the enhanced surveillance with the Hospital Authority and private hospitals.
In children, in the same period, 19 cases of severe influenza-associated complication or death, including three deaths, were detected. The last case was reported on Aug. 2.
"As observed in previous seasons, we expect that local influenza will still be active for a while as it takes time for influenza activity to return to baseline from the peak," a spokesman for the CHP said.
The Health Department called on the public and travellers to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene for protection against influenza and other respiratory illnesses both locally and during travel.