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Huangshan Mountain offers free admission for foreigners

HEFEI, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Huangshan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site in east China's Anhui Province, will remove its entrance fee for foreign tourists and Chinese from outside the Chinese mainland during winter, authorities said Wednesday.

Tourists holding foreign passports and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will be allowed to enter the resort free of charge from Nov. 1, 2017 to Feb. 28, 2018, according to a statement issued by Huangshan city government.

Another 50 resorts in the city will offer half price admission to tourists from outside the Chinese mainland, it said.

The costs of cable cars, vehicle transportation, cruise boats and hot springs within the resorts are not included in the discounts, said the statement.

The policy is aimed at developing the overseas market, attracting more foreign tourists and increasing Huangshan's international reputation, it said.


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