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[Chang Sha]Orange Isle

(Photo/Hunan Daily)

Watched from the Peak of Mount Yuelu, Orange Isle is like a black silk ribbon lying in the middle of the river and like a dark yellowish green barrier while seen in the river bank.

As the world's longest inland river isle, Orange Isle connects the Mount Yuelu in the west and the downtown in the east, with a length of 5km and a width of 50-200 meters and a total area of 91.64 hectares. Orange Isle comprises three nearly-connected isles: upper isle, middle isle and lower isle. The upper isle is called Ox-head Isle and middle isle Land-and-water Isle, while the lower isle is called Fujia Isle. Orange Isle referred to at present includes Ox-head Isle and Land-and-water Isle.

The isle has been a popular site for summer vacation for a long time. During his youth, Mao Zedong spent a lot of time walking on the beach, swimming and sunbathing. There is also a grand white marble monument, on which there are two seal cuttings: four Chinese characters Ju Zi Zhou Tou (Orange Isle) and a classical Chinese poem QinYuan Chun-Changsha, both of which are Mao Zedong's works.


How to get there: take metro line 2 and get off at Juzizhou Station

Opening hours: 7:00-22:00

Admission: free of charge

Address: No. 2, Juzizhoutou, Yuelu District, Changsha

Chinese source: official WeChat account of Yuelu Mountain Orange Isle Tourist Area 


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