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Philippine president seeks cooperation of Filipino Muslims f

MANILA, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Wednesday called for cooperation from Filipino Muslims toward "peace, stability, development and progress" as he greeted them on their celebration of Eid al-Fitr or Feast of Ramadan.

Duterte noted that the observance of fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and fasting during this time teaches discipline.

"It instills in one's mind and heart the virtues of honesty, sincerity and commitment to his faith. It promotes understanding, peace, sympathy and love for fellow human beings," he said.

He said this year's celebration is timely and relevant as he assumed the presidency.

"May the sense of discipline the Holy Month of Ramadan has taught and nurtured among Muslims inspire all the members of the Muslim Filipino communities to unite with other Filipinos to achieve lasting peace, political, stability, economic growth and development," Duterte said.


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