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Buenos Aires turns magical as city hosts magicians' congress

BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 11 (Xinhua) -- Magicians from around the world on Saturday wowed audiences in Buenos Aires, as Argentina's capital hosted the 13th Congress of Illusionism.

Magicians from 14 countries also competed for a chance to participate in the 2018 World Championships of Magic.

"All of the competitors are validated by their country's magic society," the president of Argentina's association of magicians, Ray Francas, told state daily Telam.

The congress, organized by the Latin American Federation of Magical Societies, is held in a Latin American country every three years. It draws magicians looking to learn new tricks and find out about the latest props at workshops offered exclusively for certified magicians.

Just like congresses for any other trade, the gathering also highlights industry trends.

"Today there is a return to the origins of magic, to the prevalence of the spirit of craftsmanship, where prestidigitation prevails, the handicraft, and which we combine with different disciplines, such as music, circus, acting and acrobatics," magician Jorge Sandoval, whose stage name is "Jotade Mago," told Telam before going on stage.

The congress included magicians from Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Chile and Uruguay, as well as South Korea, Switzerland, France, Spain and the United States.

Headliners at the congress, which ends on Sunday, included the reigning world champion Hector Mancha, from Spain; Asian champion Red Star Seong, from South Korea; and the award-winning Henry Evans, from Argentina.


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